4 Keys To a SPECTACULAR Garden🌷🪴
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Thanks to Jones Road Beauty for sponsoring this video! Head to jonesroadbeaut... to try Jones Road Beauty and get a free Mini Mascara with your first order over $85. Only available through my link.
Want a thriving, beautiful garden with great curb appeal? I’m sharing four essential tips to help your plants flourish and your outdoor space and its design really pop. These simple strategies make all the difference! 🌱💚
Okatsune 7744ai Trimming Shears: amzn.to/4hzPR85
Okatsune Pruning Shears: amzn.to/41PAGlk
Gardener’s Supply Bird Cage Plant Support: amzn.to/4hxAOvA
Outfit of the Day links:
Boots: amzn.to/41T6HJi
Sunglasses: amzn.to/4iv0j1W
Back Brace: amzn.to/4hyoRpp
Rabbit, Run: amzn.to/4iSxLze
Martha Stewart's Gardening Handbook: amzn.to/4iPgsPx
A year of Garden Inspired Living by Linda Vater:
#SpectacularGarden #GardeningTips #GardenSuccess #GreenThumb #GardenGoals #PlantLovers #GardenHacks #GardeningMadeEasy #CottageGarden #BackyardBliss #GardenInspiration #GrowYourOwn #FlowerPower #OutdoorLiving #GardeningSecrets #HealthyPlants #GardenMagic #NatureLovers #GardenWisdom
#gardendesign #gardentips #redbudtrees #redbuds #curbappeal #frontyard
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The Elegant and Edible Garden Book: amzn.to/3kz6eIf
Pre-Order Your Garden Journal: amzn.to/3JMeMHk
Shop Linda's Amazon Favorites: amzn.to/3NLPpqs
For the Garden: amzn.to/3PPDrgH
Linda's Favorite Pest Controls & Fertilizers: amzn.to/4hOE9aj
🍯 Some videos sponsored by our friends at Manukora Honey. Try some of our favorite manuka honey full of antioxidants, pre-biotics, and superpowers. Head to manukora.com/l... to get $25 off your Starter Kit.
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My USDA Gardening Zone: 7a
Linda Merch: lindavatershop...
Zazzle Seed Packets: www.zazzle.com...
Linda, you are the calm in my life. You are the sister I dreamed of having. Your video's bring me peace and comfort, especially during these unstable times. I adore you and all you do for all of us.
You made MY day, sister!
@@LindaVater Love it, sister!!
I feel exactly the same way. I am so down today but watching Linda and Stewart made me feel peaceful. ☺️ ❤
I know that you are a kindred spirit, and that gives me calm and hope.
Agreed! Well said.
Wow seems like your garden has flourished overnight! Beautiful❤
All great ideas. The point about cohesion in color of plants, hardscape etc is very helpful to people. Especially new gardeners.
Your yard is already starting to look so full of life and Spring color brings happiness to my heart, the redbud trees are all Beautiful....❤🌷🪻💐🐇☘️
Your garden already looks beautiful!
I loved the reference to Martha. Your videos going through your garden are so interesting to watch. Thank you for filming all these. 🪴🍀🍁
Beautiful garden
Linda I am in OKC visiting family this weekend and visited Brick’s nursery today. I purchased a Kaleidoscope Abelia, Firepower Nandina and a few assorted smaller groundcover plants. I could have bought so many more but wouldn’t have room in my car to get them home! So I wish to thank you for sharing your trips there and your choice of plants. All the girls there were so friendly and very helpful.
I love those gals!
Your redbuds are gorgeous. Thanks for the tips!
Thank you!
Linda, I'm sad to see you hurting. I had a bad back, then bought an inversion table 10 yrs ago. It does wonders. I use mine twice daily for only 2 minutes am pm. Maybe in the garage is a good spot. Best thing I did for my whole body. Now, at 65 yrs old, my back is great.
Happy Spring!🌞
I just may have to check it out!
Everything is going beautiful ❤️. I enjoy your videos, and you are very helpful. I love your style!! Thank you, God bless 🙏.
Thanks Linda for always being there with great inspiration. I often feel calmer after watching you ! Your perseverance is heart -warming 😘 From Georgia with love ❤️
It’s so wonderful to hear! I’m glad you enjoy the videos.
Enjoyed as always
Happy spring everyone❣️ I look forward to learning more this spring in hopes of a new beautiful Illinois prairie front yard. Thank you Linda for giving us so much time, knowledge and inspiration. 🌼
Thank you💚
Your space is beautiful.... I'm excited to get started 😊
Linda, here is a gardening tool that I recommend for anyone that has a back problem . . . a garden kneeler! I ordered mine through Walmart for only $25. It has handles to help you get up from a kneeling position and you can flip it over and sit on it like a bench. It is light weight and folds up for storage. I have back trouble and it has been a life saver for me. I never miss watching your youtube videos. I have learned so much from you! -- sheila mcdade in Chattanooga, TN
I know about that and have avoided getting one… Not anymore after your recommendation. On my list for sure!
I have a very large garden so I have 2 of these kneelers.
I have one and my only complaint is that they are rather heavy to cart around my garden.
I've always loved your style Linda and always find you inspiring! I have the same table & chairs at your front patio, mine are in my greenhouse. I have two redbuds (one is a Rising Sun Redbud) that are still young, but hoping this year 3 they will bloom as beautifully as yours. I have one Myrtle topiary because of you and would love to collect them! I'm a girl born in the early sixties so I've always loved topiaries!! I can't wait to get your new book!
So dry in Kansas City - out today hand watering the limelight’s and some boxwoods - - many weeks behind OKC
I adore all my Jones Road products! It gives me a wonderful glow!
Making me think more of repeat repeat repeat!! Thanks so much Linda n Stewart
Exactly 💚
Thanks for mentioning the John Updike books, You'll want to read all of them after you finish. John was a native of my area and we plan to visit his birthplace home/museum.
Just reserved second in the series😗
I love to use a tight color palette but then I feel like I'm limiting myself or boxing myself in. However, a tight color palette makes me the most happy with my landscape so why not?! I enjoyed this video and love color, shape, hardscape, etc. repetition too!
Great info ,love U videos.U are number one ,u still got it ! Keep it going !!!
I always enjoy your videos gardening, books, what you are wearing so much fun. Your yard is looking good sorry you back hurts I never stretch before I garden guess u should but going in 73 it’s getting harder and harder so I enjoy it thru your eyes only.
Thanks so much for sharing so much great information really enjoyed the post. Your garden is beautiful and your home is gorgeous too. Thanks so much for sharing my dear friend.
Thank you!
Great ideas, thank you. I am new to all of this, so I appreciate your ideas. You are definitely talented!!
You're so welcome! Glad you enjoyed the video
One is having you around ! So beautiful linda
Continues to be very dry in Joplin, MO and the high winds haven't helped. I too am watering my limelights, pansies and raised beds. We are behind OKC but I am starting to see more budding and flushing of bushes and plants. Everything in your garden looks beautiful, even after all the wind we both have had lately!
I'm with you - it's been dry! I’m so ready for rain and calm.
Great tips Linda! Thank you!
I watched with a cold pad on my back and hip. Spreading wood chips as mulch isn’t for sissies. 😂
Everything is coming to life in your lively garden!
The older I get I'm less inclined to use stacato-style English plant choices. Maybe I can use them in my cut-flower garden.
I am enthralled by drifts of color (purple, white, pink).
Seeing the photos you posted to Posts, I am inspired to add some new plants in a memorial garden I neglected due to annoying tree roots. My sister's garden.
I like the echo of colors though out the garden! Sometime down the road, it might be fun to echo the geranium red on the door to the garage and house for a punch of color year round. ❤
Hi. I just love what you did for your backyard 😊.
Very interesting video..yard is really greening up...rest the back!
Or were down for the count..been there many,many times..fight the back almost daily..rest, yet we need to keep moving..ehhh❤
You know it!
I can relate to the back issues. I do the same thing sometimes and skip stretching in my excitement to get going 😊 I'm going to order the ice pack. Thanks for the recommendation!
You bet!
Linda, I've always wondered why there are two different mortars that seem to follow a pattern on the garage wall. Is there a pattern that my eye is missing, or do you think that maybe damage occurred in the past that required repair?
Thanks for letting me ask this tedious question 😂 My inquiring mind wants to know.
Hope that your back feels better soon. Debi Mc
This was one of your best videos! I learned so much. It will be helping me plan my design! Thanks! Now i just need the weather to cooperation with me.😅
You’re welcome! And fingers crossed for good weather, I’m right there with you. 🤞
RIGHT NOW Walmart has Mandevilla in the perfect red for your backyard. [Here in Chattanooga anyway]. I get their hanging pots of red Mandevilla for $14 every year. They are SO DROUGHT TOLERANT !! They are tough as nails and stay in bloom all summer. You have to get some! --sheila mcdade in Chattanooga, TN
Great tip!
Lots of great ideals. 👍🏼 thank you!
You are so welcome!
Linda, I love jr!!! Especially the face pencils!
Great to know!
Lowe’s in Kansas City state ln has encore azalea but they are so very root bound!!!
I use my pruners front and back depending upon the plant and the cut.
I live in Texas, and I have an Oklahoma Redbud. It looks fabulous right now. I like it much better than the Eastern Redbud. The flowers look exceptionally beautiful this year and the color is so vivid!!!
There is no doubt they are gorgeous for their deep rich color!
Awesome video !! Loved it and was wondering what type of rose bush you have out front?
Look at how your Garden is coming alive! 🥰🌳🪴
❤Wunderschön! ❤
Would you consider doing a seedling identification segment? Foxglove, delphinium, Minoan lace, golden ferverfew, etc.
Great video. This is the first video I’ve seen of yours.
I’m so glad you found me! 😊
Looking so beautiful Miss Linda. I wonder why you don’t have a forsythia ( sp) bush ? It produces such a pretty yellow flower.
If I had a larger garden, I definitely would. I especially love them on the edge of lakes and in country gardens.
I found large weeping willow trees (often difficult to find) at Home Depot in Oak Ridge TN
I just saw an advertisement in a Better Homes Magazine that was a complete page, that your smiling face was on it. Trouble is they were advertising boxwood plants, but no where was your name! To me that wasn’t right! A famous gardener advertising their product without giving you any credit or acknowledgment. It was in the April magazine. (Not trying to cause trouble, just giving you a heads up on it.)
Was it Southern living or Better Boxwood? If so, no prob! If someone else, let me know
It was Better BoxWoods. The photo was of you sitting on your back porch with a container of a boxwood. It’s a great picture of you!👍
oh shoot! Now that I have my glasses on and looking a little bit closer, they do have your name by your elbow. Oh my gosh. I’m sorry, but when I first saw the photo, I didn’t see your name. Can I use excuse that I didn’t have my readers on and your name was in small letters. Ha ha ha ha
I love Milorganite and if you have deer pressure it helps with that.
Hi Linda and Stewart! Hope your backs okay! Sending hugs and love! Your garden is beautiful! ❤😊❤
Thank you so much 😊
How did you get your brown shrubs to green up so quickly, can you please share your tips?
Linda--would like to recommend a foam roller that is flat on one side. A backsaver!!!!
I make redbud jelly from the flower petals and it's delicious.
Really?! How?
@@LindaVater I harvest flower petals about 4 cups, pour 4 cups boiling water over, let steep, strain and you liquid with sugar and sure jell and can as usual. There are a number of recipes online. Tastes very much like plum jam.
Linda, so sorry about your back. Mine is terrible and nothing seems to kill the pain. I garden with my walker so I don't trip and fall again. But there are some things i can't get to because the walker gets in the way.
I so feel your pain and frustration!
Hi Linda - love your background music. Are you able to share? More importantly, love you and your content!
Magnolia is nice I have the same kind. Also have big cherry tree and apple tree and roses and rose of Sharon’s perrywinkle ground cover lol very evasive
2 qstns,,,,,,what shade of jones road makeup are you wearing???? also you have a bush in a pot at the front right corner of your home as your looking at it, what kind of bush is it?? also, do you have a favorite water hose you like and if so why ?? thanks
Linda you are beautiful 😍
Linda, I have 3 redbuds, and two are not budding out well after about 4 yrs in ground. They looked bad last summer even after I deep watered them and fed there here in SoCal. I don't want to lose them. Any ideas?
You might ask your extension center or a local arborist. Do they seem to be suffering in any other apparent way?
Can someone tell me what happened to her awnings?
Insides were being powder coated, and they are going back up this week I think
So what’s with the broom hanging from the plant hanger near the garage. Lol
I sweep off cedar needle droppings from my tables and brick rug areas😊
How are you getting on with War and Peace ?
I finally gave up because my book kept getting turned in and then I would accidentally borrow a different version. I’ve decided to start anew with audible
I lost my job because of the current administration and I need to rent out my house and leave my garden this year 😢
Oh I am beyond sorry!!!!
@ I'll still have some joy watching your gardening videos 🪴💚
Gardening helps me ignore politics, at least for a time. I’m so sorry you have to leave your garden.
So sorry to hear that , devastating for sure , I hope you find another job real soon
I'm so sorry, but this might be your time to start your own business. Trust God! You will grow again!
I have no idea why.... but I am hearing two different narrations here. The only way I hear one is if I pause the video. But then I don't get to see the video.
Hmmmm. I’m not sure. Try closing out both and then starting again? Stewart?
@@LindaVater thanks... did it and it worked
No wonder redbuds are edible so mice ate it all in one night in my garden. 😡😡
Don’t mean to be a downer but Jones Road is the worse products I have ever used.😢
Really? I love the foundation. The colors of the balms are lovely, but they do feel too sticky and I don’t care for them. Love the mascara, concealer sticks are just okay. Thanks for letting me know.
@@LindaVatermascara was dry going on and clumpy.😢. I think this is the first time I didn’t agree about something😅. I have been following you forever and love the ideas and products you recommend (minus Jones Road😢).
Looks scattered and has no place for eyes to rest.
I appreciate your perspective, but that is the nature of a cottage garden. You obviously like a different style but the garden design principle still applies. 💚
Thanks Linda for always being there with great inspiration. I often feel calmer after watching you ! Your perseverance is heart -warming 😘 From Georgia with love ❤️
You're so sweet! Thank you dear
So dry in Kansas City - out today hand watering the limelight’s and some boxwoods - - many weeks behind OKC
It’s tough when we don’t have the right rain!